Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of October
Heb. 10:39 “But we are not of those who shrink back to ruin but of those who have faith to the gaining of the soul.”
The gaining of the soul is for our whole being to enjoy the coming Sabbath rest, that is, to share in Christ’s joy and glory in the coming kingdom. At the time when we believed in the Lord Jesus and were saved, our spirit was regenerated with the Spirit of God. But we must wait until the Lord Jesus comes back for our body to be redeemed, saved, and transfigured. As to the saving or gaining of our soul, it depends upon how we deal with it in following the Lord after we are saved and regenerated. If we lose it now for the Lord’s sake, it shall be saved, or gained, at the Lord’s coming back.
In the Gospels the Lord tells us many times that if in this age we lose our soul for His sake and the gospel’s, at His coming back in the next age we shall gain it. If we follow the Lord today, we shall certainly suffer for His sake. Because you are a faithful and straight follower of Jesus Christ, your teachers may not give you the higher grade, and you may not receive a promotion on your job. Many such things are related to losing our soul. This loss of our soul today is the condition of our gaining it in the next age. The gaining of the soul equals perfection, and perfection equals glorification. To be glorified refers to one thing—the reward. [The reward] is the goal of God’s salvation. Here we see God’s goal—that His many sons, who are Christ’s many brothers, might be conformed to the image of His firstborn Son. (Life-study of Hebrews, msg. 46)