Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of March

Mar 29, 2023 by



Rom. 12:5 “So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”




When the Lord Jesus sent out His disciples, He sent them out two by two, in the principle of two as a testimony. To be alone is to be individualistic, but to be sent forth with another is to be sent according to the principle of the Body. This principle of matching applies today. If you have been called by the Lord, you need to realize your need for someone to match you. To act individualistically in the Lord’s service is not according to the divine principle. Today, in the New Testament economy, to be individualistic is to violate the principle of the Body. We should not behave individualistically; rather, we should move and act according to the principle of corporateness, always having at least one other member to match us. The Body cannot be represented by individuals. According to the divine principle, the proper representation of the Body is always by those members who are matched with others.


Without [such a match], we would have no restriction, no protection, and no safeguard. The arrangements God makes in matching us with others sometimes are beyond our understanding. Most of the time it may be enjoyable, but at least part of the time it will be unpleasant. But this unpleasantness is our protection. In the Lord’s recovery there is an urgent need for the true work of building. This building work, however, can be carried out only by co-workers who have been matched. It is by means of such matching that God’s commission is carried out. ( Life-study of Exodus, msg. 9)

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