Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of October

Oct 4, 2016 by


Rev. 3:12 “He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore, and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God,… and My new name.”



There were nine pillars in the tabernacle. At the entrance to the tabernacle five pillars supported the screen, and at the entrance to the Holy of Holies four pillars supported the veil. The pillars are different from the boards. The boards that form the wall of the tabernacle are good for protection and separation, but there is no way for people to enter into God’s building through them. The pillars, on the other hand, are good for both protection and separation as well as for entrance.


For the building, we need brothers and sisters to be the separating boards. The separating boards are like the wall of the New Jerusalem, separating and protecting by life. However, if we are all boards, then there will be no entrance for people to come into God’s dwelling place. The church will be closed, and we will become exclusive. For the sake of the entrance, some of us have to be dealt with. A pillar is finer and stronger than a board. The boards must be cut and fitted to become the pillars. On the one hand, to be cut and fitted is to be reduced, but on the other hand, it is to be increased in strength. Those who have been dealt with will be very flexible. They can be for protection and support, and they can also be the entrance for others to come into God’s dwelling place. People will be free to go in through them.


We pray that the Lord would increase the numbers in the churches, but for this there is the need for some among the believers to become the pillars. The number of the boards was forty-eight, but the number of the pillars was only nine. We need the pillars to bring in the liberty of the Holy Spirit, to provide the entrance for men as redeemed creatures to come into the Triune God. (Spiritual Applications of the Tabernacle, Chap. 8)

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