Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of May

May 4, 2015 by


Rev. 22:1 “And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street.”


According to the picture of the New Jerusalem, the authority of the throne and the fellowship of life are for the building of the New Jerusalem. This corresponds to Zechariah 6:12-13, which speaks of the offices of the priesthood and the kingship converging in Joshua, who is a type of the Lord Jesus, for the sake of the building of God’s temple. (The Priesthood and God’s Building, chap. 2)

What we need most is to assume our position as priests and kings. This is our birthright. We have been born in the house of God as priests and kings; now we must be bold enough by His grace to take up this position. However, merely to declare this does not work. We must also open ourselves to the Lord for Him to possess us and saturate us with Himself that He may flow out of us. Then we will have the flow of the priesthood, in which there is the authority of the kingship.

It is in this way that we come to the meetings. We simply behave as priests and kings. We do not come to teach others, but we open ourselves to the Lord that His flow might flow through us to others. We simply open our spirit to express something to the Lord by praying or praising. Once the Lord has a channel through us, the flow out of us into others will be so prevailing that the whole meeting will be a flow of living water. There will not be teaching with the exercise of the mind, but only the flow through the exercise of the spirit.

We, as the children of God, must realize that we are born priests and kings. Therefore, by His grace we must assume this position by exercising our spirit to take the priesthood in reality and to be under the headship. Then the fellowship in life with the headship of the Lord will build up the church. (The Priesthood, chap. 4)

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