Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of March

Mar 9, 2021 by


John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life;…the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”



If you are a person who loves the Lord and pursues Christ, not self-perfection, and who loves the Lord’s word in the entire Bible and reads it with a praying spirit, not for the seeking of the doctrine of letters but for seeking the Spirit and word of life, not to get any help for self-cultivation but for the nourishment of your spirit that you may live a Christian life which is perfect not in human virtues but in the divine virtues which are the expressions of the divine attributes, then this book will render you nuggets and gems to strengthen your life of pursuing Christ for the fulfillment of God’s economy in producing and building up the Body of Christ.


God does not want us just to seek the knowledge, doctrine, truth, theology, and so-called revelation in letters. God wants us to seek after Him that we may gain Him and that He may fill us up with Himself for His expression. He is the Spirit, and we worship Him and contact Him in our spirit. As New Testament believers, we should believe that Proverbs is a part of the holy word in God’s Holy Scriptures. We should realize that Proverbs is the breath of God for us to breathe in that we may receive the life supply from God. Next, we should read Proverbs by being filled with the fullness of God in our spirit, in the New Testament Spirit of life, with our regenerated spirit, and by pray-reading to mingle it with spirit and life. (Life-study of Proverbs, msg. 3)

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