Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of August

Aug 11, 2024 by



Matt. 8:8-9 “But the centurion answered and said, Lord,…only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under authority…”




The Gentile centurion recognized the authority of the Lord Jesus. The Lord’s authority is exercised mainly in His word. When the Lord told the centurion that He would come and heal his servant, the centurion said to Him, “Lord, I am not fit for You to enter under my roof; but only speak a word, and my servant will be healed”. The Gentile centurion realized that the Lord’s word was with healing authority. Thus, he believed, not only in the Lord but also in His word, asking Him not to go personally but only to send His word.


On the one hand, regarding the Lord, His authority is exercised in His word. On the other hand, regarding us, the Lord’s authority is exercised through faith infused into us by Him. When we see the Lord and listen to Him, His being, His very character, infuses into us the ability to believe. This believing ability is something that comes from Him. As we behold the Lord in His beauty and in the excellency of His virtues, He infuses a living element into us, and this infused element becomes our faith, our believing ability. This is why the Lord Jesus is called the Author and Perfecter of our faith . The centurion had such faith infused into him by the Lord Jesus. The Lord marveled at the centurion’s faith, saying, “Truly I say to you, With no one in Israel have I found such great faith”. Then He said to the centurion, “Go; as you have believed, so be it done to you”. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2778-2779)

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