Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of November

Nov 19, 2018 by

1. Pray for more saints who have a heart to serve to be raised up and coordinate together in one accord in Laos.
2. Pray for more saints to be burdened for shepherding that more new ones can be raised up.


1. Pray for the saints to participate in the prayer and service fellowship meetings and may all the saints receive the burden to come to the meetings and practice the organic shepherding in the church life for the building up of the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for the young people’s work that the next generation can be raised up through the shepherding and perfecting in the church life; may the Lord draw their hearts that they can consecrate themselves to participate in the full-time training.


1. Pray for the Chennai Land Purchasing Project, that the saints can seize the opportunity and have a breakthrough in the matter of offering for the building up of the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for the campus work in the major cities, that the Lord can gain and perfect many students for His move.

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