Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of February

Feb 21, 2023 by


Pray for all the saints and contacts that are under shepherding to have deeper desire for God’s words, be perfected and function organically in the church life.


East Timor

Pray for the establishment of the core service structure in Dili, so that brothers of different languages can coordinate in one accord.



Pray for the churches to follow closely the healthy teaching of New Testament ministry by entering into the seven feasts.


Sri Lanka

Pray for the new golden lampstands to be raised up in Mawathagama and Ampara this year.



Pray for the two families affected by the earthquakes, that their lives can turn back to normal and be protected from further disaster; also pray for their hearts to be comforted and be free from the shadow of fear and death.



Pray for the plan of printing 10,000 copies of the Vietnamese Recovery Version for free distribution.

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