Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of January

Jan 9, 2017 by


1. Pray for the gospel move of FTTND and FTTT at Guwahati, Delhi and Chennai from 1/5-2/2.

2. Pray for the saints from Irvine, US in their visiting and blending at New Delhi and Chennai from 1/13-22.

3. Pray for the saints from Hsinchu, Taiwan in the gospel move at Delhi and Chennai from 1/27-2/4.



1. Pray for the open families in Pakse to receive the gospel, enjoy the Lord, and be brought into the church life.

2. Pray for the saints in Laos to practice the God-ordained way and function in the Body.



1. Pray for the propagation in Lalitpur that the three solid families can attend the Lord’s day meeting regularly from this month onwards.

2. Pray for the propagation in Pokhara that through the gospel preaching and shepherding more new ones can be gained and that the local brothers can be perfected to be the pillars.

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