Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of April

Apr 15, 2021 by


1. Pray for the printing and distribution of 6000 copies of the six Rainbow Booklets in Azerbaijani, 1800 copies in Russian, and 1000 copies of Mystery of Human Life in Azerbaijani.
2. Pray for the readers that the booklets in their hands will be read, and shared, and the readers will receive nourishment, be enlightened and seek God’s economy.



Pray for the saints to have normal church life through the internet and spend more time with the Lord during the pandemic.



1. Pray for the saints to follow closely the up-to-date speaking of the seven feasts and be constituted with the truth through PSRP.
2. Pray for the saints to be burdened to live a life of gospel preaching, that people can be brought into the church life especially through the warm-door preaching.


Sri Lanka

Pray for the Young People’s Training in Batticaloa 4/14-4/17, in Kelaniya 4/23-4/25 and in Kurunegala on 4/24, that through the trainings God can gain the young ones thoroughly for His move in Sri Lanka.


Pray for the saints who are infected with Covid-19, including those who are pregnant, that both the adults and fetuses can be preserved complete and fully healed and recover soon.

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