Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of May

May 5, 2021 by

Pray for the saints who are infected with COVID-19, including a pregnant sister and a 1.5-year-old baby, that all can be preserved complete and fully healed and recover soon.



1. Pray for the 2nd wave of the COVID outbreak in India to be under control without further spreading, that the Lord of all can come into the situation to withstand the work of the enemy and to control the worsening situation.

2. Pray for the opening of people’s hearts; pray that through God’s sovereign arrangement in the environment as the Leader, many can be open to Him as the Savior, and that He would give repentance and forgiveness of sins to the people.



1. Pray for the propagation in Luang Prabang, that the Lord’s rich presence be with the saints in their house renting, car purchasing and coordination.

2. Pray for the churches to not only have a normal church life online but also feed people wisely during the pandemic.


Sri Lanka

Pray for more new trainees to be released to join the two-year training before May 16.

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