Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of June

Jun 4, 2019 by

Pray for the saints to have a corporate living of morning revival and home meetings.


1. Pray for the Turkish speaking saints to focus on Jesus Christ, to be saved from their own traditions, cultures and old concepts and to be blended together with all the saints as one.
2. Pray for the trip to visit the saints and gospel friends in Izmir, that they will be kept in the enjoyment of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of Body of Christ.


1. Pray for the Teenagers’ Training 6/10-6/23 in Hochiminh city and Cam Ranh; may the Lord gain the next generation for His testimony in Vietnam.
2. Pray for the Nazarite trainees assigned to Nha Trang, Dalat and Long Xuyen for the work.


Pray for the serving ones’ training 6/5-6/9 and may the Lord richly bless the training.

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