Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of October

Oct 14, 2019 by

Pray for the new ones baptized in September and the homes under the saints’ care to receive shepherding continually and live a normal church life.


1. Pray for a Turkish student who has joined our meeting for a long time, that her heart can be good earth for the seed of life to grow and that she can be baptized.
2. Pray that the Lord would speak to a sister who is from a denomination and guide her to choose the right way for her Christian life.


Sri Lanka
1. Pray for the 4 brothers to participate in the LMA conference, that they can be perfected by the Lord and become pillars and pillar builders for His move in the churches.
2. Pray for the saints in each locality to receive the burden to preach the gospel and have home meetings for the bringing forth of the one new man.


Pray for the release of the Burmese Holy Bible Recovery Version app on 10/22 in Google Play Store which is available to all people in Myanmar for free; may the word of God overflow and gain more Burmese by this Bible App.

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