Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of June
Pray for the saints to be strengthened to participate in and enjoy the weekly Lord’s table meetings.
Pray for the propagation in Serei Saophoan, Banteay Srey and Ta Khmau; may the Lord establish His testimony in these three localities and set up the Lord’s table meetings this year.
Sri Lanka
Pray for the campus work in Batticaloa and Colombo to gain the proper vessels for His move.
Pray for the practice of the God-ordained way; may the Lord give the saints grace, preserve the local environment, cause the saints to contact people wisely, and bring the sons of peace to the saints.
Pray for the saints to practice the God-ordained way to preach the gospel and shepherd people every week.
Pray for the Ministry of the age spreading out to the whole country and gaining good materials for the building up of the Body through the distribution of seven Rhema books.