Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of November
Pray for more saints in Siem Reap to receive the burden and separate their time to coordinate together for gospel preaching and shepherding.
East Timor
Pray for the saints in Dili to be healthy, rich, and functioning members to build up the Body of Christ for His increase.
Pray for the churches to follow closely the healthy teaching of New Testament ministry by entering into the seven feasts.
Pray for the saints in Lalitpur to be perfected that they will be burdened for shepherding, increase the number of home meetings, and keep track of attendance statistics.
Pray for more young brothers to be raised up, have the feeling of the Body, care for each other, and be blended and built up together to bear the testimony in Karachi.
Pray for the plan of printing 10,000 copies of the Vietnamese New Testament Recovery Version for free distribution.