Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of April
2 Cor. 3:18 “But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.”
Our concept of serving God has to be transformed and adjusted. To be a priest is not mainly to do something for the Lord but to be taken over by the Lord. We must spend much time in the presence of the Lord and let Him come in to fill and saturate us.
I must repeat that a priest is not one who merely works for God. God has no intention of calling us to do something for Him. His intention is that we answer His call by opening ourselves to Him and saying, “Lord, here I am, not ready to work for You, but ready to be filled and possessed by You and to be one with You.” Not until we are one with the Lord can we ever work for Him and be a real priest. The main function of a priest is not to work but to spend time in the presence of the Lord until he is one with Him in the spirit. The priesthood that God plans to have is a corporate man who is saturated and permeated with Himself.
We must realize that to do something for the Lord is awful, even terrible! What brought death into humanity? It was the tree of knowledge, and any consideration of doing something for the Lord comes from the same source.
The Lord’s only intention is for us to open ourselves to Him and let Him come into us to fill us and be one with us. Then He will do something through us. Whatever He does through us will flow out of Himself. This is the real service which God is seeking today. (The Priesthood, chaps. 1-2)