Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of October

Oct 19, 2021 by


Eph. 4:16 “Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.”



All the problems in the church today issue from the one-talented ones. The Lord has shown us that there is not one whose gift exceeds five talents. For a span of twenty years the church may have only one with five talents, but every day the church can have five persons, each with one talent. Any one of the children of God, even the one in the poorest condition, still has one talent; and when you put five of the one-talented ones together, it equals one who has five talents. If all the one-talented ones in the church today would bring forth their talents, there would be no need of so many great gifts among us. Just by the coming forth of the one-talented ones, let me tell you, the whole world will be conquered.


You must be clear, therefore, that it is not how much work you yourselves can do or how much burden you yourselves can bear, but it is how much you are able to cause all the brothers and sisters, all the one-talented ones, to come forth to work and serve. If it is you alone who are busy from dawn to dusk, this is not the church. If you are busy from morning to evening and you cause all the one-talented ones to work and be busy, this is the church serving, this is the church preaching the gospel. It is the church that is working; it is the Body that is acting and not several members replacing the activity of the Body. (Watchman Nee, Further Talks on the Church Life, The Stream Publishers, 1974, pp. 143-144)

You must be clear, therefore, that it is not how much work you yourselves can do or how much burden you yourselves can bear, but it is how much you are able to cause all the brothers and sisters, all the one-talented ones, to come forth to work and serve. If it is you alone who are busy from dawn to dusk, this is not the church. If you are busy from morning to evening and you cause all the one-talented ones to work and be busy, this is the church serving, this is the church preaching the gospel. It is the church that is working; it is the Body that is acting and not several members replacing the activity of the Body. (Watchman Nee, Further Talks on the Church Life, The Stream Publishers, 1974, pp. 143-144)

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