Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of October

Oct 18, 2017 by


Eph. 3:9 “And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things.”



We must also have the high standard of the gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God. This deeper mystery is the purpose, the meaning, and the significance of the universe. This mystery was not known to man but was
revealed to the apostles, especially to the apostle Paul. What God desires is to gain a group of people to contain Him that they may become the members of the Body of Christ, that Christ may be their life, their Head, and their manifestation, and that they and He could be one universal new man to express Christ as the embodied God to fulfill His eternal purpose. The mystery of God is Christ, the mystery of Christ is the church, and Christ and the church are the great mystery hidden in God from the centuries and revealed to the apostle Paul.


The highest gospel is the gospel of Christ with the church. We must value, appreciate, and treasure the church. We enjoy the church life as the highest standard of the gospel. The gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God is to produce the church for God’s expression and glorification according to God’s eternal plan, or purpose. The church is so lovable because it is the very expression and glorification of God. When God has the church, He is expressed and He is glorified. We need to enjoy God in His expression and in His glorification in such a high standard. (The God-ordainedWay to Practice the New Testament Economy, ch. 26)

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