Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of October
Gen. 1:26 “And God said,…Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”
The first aspect of God’s intention [in giving man dominion] is to deal with His enemy, Satan, typified by the creeping things. The second aspect is to recover the earth. The enemy is there already. Therefore, we must fight and conquer. Every area of life—school life, work life, family life—is a battlefield. The enemy never sleeps. The earth has become a place that Satan wants to hold and a place that God wants to regain. The battle is over the earth. Whoever gains the earth is the winner. The Lord Jesus has not returned because the earth is still so much under Satan’s usurping. This is why God needs the church. The church must fight the battle to regain the earth, if not the whole earth, at least some stepping stones, some outpost for the Lord Jesus to put His feet upon.
The third aspect is to bring in God’s authority, to exercise God’s authority over the earth. Man must exercise God’s authority in order that the kingdom of God may come to earth, that the will of God may be done on earth, and that the glory of God may be manifested on earth. This is the responsibility of the church today. In the church we have the kingdom of God. In the church the will of God is done. In the church the glory of God is expressed. Hallelujah! We have a foretaste. Now we can see why God gave man dominion over everything in the seas, in the air, and on the earth. God’s intention is to eliminate the enemy, regain the earth, and manifest His glory. (Life-study of Genesis, message 7)