Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of September

Sep 8, 2015 by


Exo. 21:5-6 ”But if the servant plainly says, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free; then the master shall bring him to God and shall bring him to the door or to the doorpost, and his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him forever.”


My burden in this message has been to emphasize three matters: the spirit of a slave, the love of a slave, and the obedience of a slave. If we have a slave spirit, a slave love, and a slave obedience, we shall be able to keep the commandments. At first, this word may sound strange. But if you consider it honestly, you will see that it is true in our practical experience. Only a person with the spirit, love, and obedience of a slave can keep God’s ordinances. In the New Testament economy, as well as in the Old Testament, there is the need of such a spirit, love, and obedience.

The Bible reveals that as believers in Christ, we are not only God’s creatures, but also God’s sons. In the old creation we are creatures of God; in the new creation we have become sons of God. However, if we maintain our rank as creatures and sons, we shall not be able to keep God’s word. To keep His word, we need to empty ourselves and humble ourselves, laying aside the rank both of a creature and of a son. Then we shall be slaves with God as our Master. According to the type in Exodus 21, Christ is the slave, and God is the Master. If we would take Christ as our pattern, we must learn to be slaves, those who sacrifice everything for others.

The spirit that pervades all these ordinances is the spirit of service and of sacrifice. If the Israelites did not have this kind of spirit, there would be no way for them to keep the ordinances. However, they could keep the ordinances if they were willing to empty themselves, humble themselves, lower themselves, sacrifice their rights, and serve others. Then they would live for others and not for themselves.

Exodus 21:6 speaks of the slave being brought to the door or to the doorpost. In ancient times slaves were to stand by the doorpost waiting for the master’s orders. Instead of doing anything on their own, they were to act only according to the word of the master. Today our position as slaves of Christ should also be at the doorpost. Furthermore, in 21:6 we are told that the master bored his slave’s ear through with an awl. This indicates that the slave’s ear was opened to listen to the master. (Life-Study of Exodus, Chapter 68)

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