Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of October
Eph. 1:5 “Predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.
We are the sons of God enjoying all the blessings of sonship. We may itemize the blessings: the spirit of sonship, the witnessing of the Spirit, the leading of the Spirit, the firstfruits of the Spirit, the helping of the Spirit, and the interceding of the Spirit. Eventually, we will have the full sonship of the sons of God revealed in the freedom of glory.
In this portion of the Word three significant terms are used— children, sons, and heirs …The life of God works in three stages to make us sons of God. The life of God regenerates us in our spirit, transforms us in our soul, and transfigures our body. Hence, we have regeneration, transformation, and transfiguration. These together give us full sonship. As the result of these three steps, the sons are fully matured.
In this portion of Romans we have children by regeneration, sons by transformation, and heirs by transfiguration or glorification. We were born the children of God, we are growing up as the sons of God, and we are waiting for the time when we will be fully matured and legally declared to be the rightful heirs of God. The procedure which makes us legal heirs is the transfiguration of our body, that is, the redemption of our body, the full redemption (v. 23). The transfiguration of our body will qualify us to be the heirs of the divine inheritance. This transfiguration will be accomplished by glorification. ( Life-study of Romans, pp. 233-234)