Prayer Burdens – Week 5 of August

Sep 1, 2020 by

East Timor
Pray for the establishment of a core service group and the raising up of the church in Dili.


1. Pray for the translation work for the churches to receive rich supply.
2. Pray for 69 FTTY trainees to be gained by the Lord for His economy.


Pray for more translators who are burdened and able to serve continuously to be raised up and for the translation, internet promotion and video production to be strengthened.


1. Pray for the coming semester of FTTND, that all the 26 trainees can be preserved in their tripartite being and be equipped and perfected unto the work of the ministry, to become useful vessels unto the building up of the Body of Christ.
2. Pray for the upcoming Video Training of the Crystallization-Study of Jeremiah & Lamentations, that many saints from the churches can enter into the Lord’s up-to-date speaking in the coming months.

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