Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of June

Jun 17, 2019 by

1. Pray that the Lord continues to open the door for the spread of the gospel of the kingdom to gain proper vessels in this country.
2. Pray for more saints to receive the burden to come and coordinate for the propagation.


1. Pray for more burdened ones to be raised up to go to shepherd the saints, preach the gospel of the kingdom, and gain a harvest in this land.
2. Pray for the shepherding of 4 newly baptized sisters that they will grow in life and truth and be the outlet of the gospel.


1. Pray for the further shepherding of the families gained during the 5-week propagation in Kolkata, Dehradun and Gurgaon, that the Lord can open the way to take care of the newly contacted families for the Lord’s testimony in these places.
2. Pray for the 11 graduating trainees from FTTND this semester, that the Lord can lead them and strengthen them to live to the Lord in whatever they will do after graduation.

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