Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of March

Mar 10, 2020 by

Pray for the national training for co-workers 3/17-3/19 and the training for elders and responsible brothers 3/19-3/20 in Ho Chi Minh city.


Pray for the saints to practice home meetings steadfastly, so that the new ones could be properly cared for.


Sri Lanka
1. Pray for all the saints to receive proper education by enjoying the 96 lessons and be constituted with the divine truth.
2. Pray that the Lord would release proper land and that the saints would make material offerings to Him.


1. Pray for the goal of gaining 4 people to be baptized in Dhaka and 6 to be baptized in Chittagong.
2. Pray for the saints to receive grace and wisdom from the Lord to shepherd the existing contacts and have breakthroughs in each family.

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