Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of June

Jun 15, 2015 by


1. Pray for the trainees’ propagation in 4 areas this month: 1. Phnom Penh; 2. Samlout and Pailin; 3. Kampong Speu; 4. Chhuk.
2. Pray for the first Lord’s Table Meeting in Bavel on June 21.
3. Pray for the intensified propagation by the Middle-age Trainees from Taiwan from June 20-26 in 3 areas: 1. Phnom Penh and Chhuk; 2. Kampong Chhnang; 3. Siem Reap and Battambang.


1. Pray for the “New Believer’s Series” that will soon be published and for the promotion of the Rhema booklets that many seeking sons of peace would be manifested.
2. Pray for the gospel friends who have been attending the meetings regularly to make the decision to be baptized as a testimony before men.
3. Pray for a breakthrough in the gospel preaching through questionnaires prepared by the saints that God’s chosen ones would be sought out.


1. Pray for the one-month propagation in Rawalpindi this month to gain 5 families and many seeking ones, especially some young people.

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