Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of December

Dec 14, 2020 by

1. Pray for the new ones to have increasing thirst for the Lord, His word and the church life, that they can have more subjective experience of the Lord and grow in life.
2. Pray for the saints to have grace and wisdom from the Lord in shepherding that they can gain remaining fruit for His further move in the country.


1. Pray for the 2 trainees graduating from FTT Batam to consecrate themselves to serve the Lord full time.
2. Pray for the brothers’ coordination to be shined on, led and blessed by the Lord for the preparation of the full-time training in Vietnam, beginning in March 2021.


1. Pray for more saints to participate in the daily prayer of the brothers and the weekly prayer of the sisters, have a subjective relationship with the Lord and take part in the church service.
2. Pray for the spiritual atmosphere of the online perfecting meetings to be strengthened and for more saints to join this meeting and be perfected in truth.

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