The Lord’s Move to Asia (June 2012)

Aug 15, 2013 by


From May 13th to 20th, we had a gospel move in Cambodia. Besides the local saints, sixty-one brothers and sisters from overseas (thirty-two from Hong Kong, sixteen from Taiwan, and thirteen from the Philippines) participated in this move. We were grouped into three big teams and propagated in six localities.

On the evening of May 13th, which was a Lord’s Day, we had an orientation and prayer time together. And on the next day all the teams went to preach the gospel on the campuses and communities in Phnom Penh, and twenty-four new ones were baptized in the gospel meeting that evening.

On Tuesday morning (May 15th), all the teams went to their target localities. Twenty saints from Hong Kong went to Battambang and Buntea Menchay, sixteen saints (thirteen from the Philippines and three from Hong Kong) went to Siem Reap and Kampong Thom. Twenty-five saints covered the areas near Phnom Penh: nine from Hong Kong went to Kampong Chhnang, eight from Taiwan went to Takeo, and another eight from Taiwan covered Phnom Penh.

All the saints in Cambodia enjoyed the bountiful supply and support from the Lord and His Body. All those who took part in this gospel move participated in the fellowship of the gospel and enjoyed the sevenfold intensified Spirit for His move in Cambodia. Some elderly saints from Taiwan, who were over 70 years old already, became a good pattern to the young saints because of their zeal for gospel preaching. They did not shrink back from preaching the gospel even with the rain.

By the Lord’s abundant grace and blessing, altogether two hundred and sixty-eight new ones were baptized in this gospel move. The number of baptisms in each locality is as follows: thirty-one in Phnom Penh, thirty-six in Kampong Chhnang, ten in Takeo, sixty-eight in Battambang, sixty-one in Buntea Menchay, and sixty-two in Siam Reap.

We want to thank all the saints again who paid the price to participate in this gospel move in Cambodia. We need more prayer for the nourishing of these newly baptized ones so that they could be remaining fruits for the testimony of Jesus in Cambodia. May the Lord bless His move all over the earth.



In May, two important conferences and trainings for the young people were held in India. The main burden was to bring these young people into a small-group church life that is full of life and the spirit, and vitality and mutuality, where everyone functions to preach and teach.

Southern India

The Conference and Training for College students and Young People in southern India was held in Chennai from May 17th to 27th. Over sixty young people attended the conference and training. In the first four days of the conference, the brothers led the young people to have a change in their concept of the church life—instead of big meetings in which the serving ones take the lead, small groups should be the foundation of our church life.

This was followed by a one-week practice from May 21st to 27th. During this time of practice, the college students picked up the burden to care for the younger ones in their groups, to share their testimonies, and to lead the new ones to salvation and baptism. Through the sharing in the small groups, nineteen out of twenty new ones were baptized. We were greatly encouraged that small groups indeed were the way for the church to bear fruit and gain increase.

After the conference a college student testified, “In this training we had fresh experiences of Christ. There wasn’t any brother who shared the messages with us, but we all shared the word of God to one another every day. It was such a joy to preach the gospel and lead people to baptism.” One sister also testified, “My family saw me after the training, and my face was shining!”

Northern India

From May 28th to 31st, ninety-six young people, community saints, full-time trainees and serving ones in the church in New Delhi gathered in Dehradun, a hill station north of New Delhi. Four messages were given on the book of Joel, leading the young people to see the divine history within human history. The majority of the time was spent in small groups with the saints getting into messages on the grafted life, the mingled spirit, the Word, crucial practices of the Christian life, the meetings, the Vine Tree and the Kingdom of God.

One newly baptized brother brought his best friend to the conference. This friend witnessed the joy emanating from within the saints and decided to also get baptized. The next day he wrote a confession to the Lord for his sins and mistakes in front of everyone, and it was then turned into a hymn. This brother said, “I don’t know what has happened to me, but I am so joyful!” One sister also brought her friend from school to the conference. Her friend, who met in a denomination, testified, “I have never enjoyed the Lord so much in my life. Now I know what it means to enjoy the Lord in spirit.”

The Lord has indeed blessed this gathering. Many new ones greatly enjoyed the small-group church life—calling upon the name of the Lord together, pursuing the Word, singing and praising the Lord. The community saints and full-time trainees also blended with the college students in such a practice of the corporate God-man living. On the last day of the conference, the full-time trainees shared their testimonies and many young ones consecrated themselves to attend the full-time training in the future. May the Lord honor these young people’s consecration and gain them to be perfected and used by Him for His divine move.

Propagation Training

In the propagation training in southern India in March, six families and one sister consecrated one year of their time for the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. From April to June these families went to Gurgaon in northern India for further training on how to live a kingdom life. They will complete their two-month training on June 12th, after which they will move to a city in southern India and stay there, with a view to establishing a new lampstand. Another batch of families from the northeast of India will come to Gurgaon in July for the same training. We pray that the Lord will touch and raise up more families to be perfected to live a kingdom life for the spread of gospel.



A conference was held in Kathmandu from May 26th to 27th. Around sixty saints from the churches in Kathmandu and Maidi came together. Since that weekend was a national holiday weekend, more saints were able to come together and be blended into one. Some saints from Maidi had to travel for over five hours by bus to get to Kathmandu. Two brothers from Japan and one brother and one sister from Singapore also attended the meetings. The burden of the conference was the vision and practice of the Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery—Truth, Life, the Church and the Gospel. These four pillars are just the living person of Christ. We need to experience, enjoy and apply Christ in our daily living so that we can rise up to preach and live the gospel for His increase and His spread.

We can testify that the Lord spoke a timely and shepherding word to all the saints. At the end of each meeting, about ten to fifteen saints stood up to share the vision they had received and their enjoyment. The mutual sharing in the Body was nourishing and encouraging. Several brothers were also perfected to help with the translation from English into Nepalese.

There was also a serving ones’ fellowship after the conference, in which three messages from the 2012 Spring International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones were covered. In these meetings, we were helped to see that as serving ones, we need to take the lead by being a proper pattern to the believers, especially in the matters of loving the Lord with the first love, prophesying and being a man of prayer. The prayer at the conclusion of this fellowship was that we would endeavor to be one with the Lord to take Him as our source, and to seek His will and glory. We were also reminded of the need to have much prayer in secret on the “high mountain”.

Although Nepal is a poor country and many of the saints were not highly educated, the saints were in one accord to stand firm for the vision of the high peak truth and the practical God-man living so that more cities in Nepal can be gained by the Lord. We rejoice that Christ as the rising sun has visited us from on high (Luke 1:78). We pray that the Lord as the Victor will continue to capture more of His seekers and subdue all the spiritual forces to plant more church trees in Nepal for His glory. Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah from the heavens; praise Him in the heights (Psa. 148:1).

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