Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of June

Jun 17, 2021 by

Sri Lanka

Pray for the online training of 7 trainees and for the physical condition of a sister to be recovered soon.



Pray for the eyes of the backsliding saints to be opened to see a clear vision of the Lord’s recovery, being released from darkness and brought back to the church life.



Pray for the propagation in Luang Prabang, that the Lord’s rich presence be with the saints in their move and coordination.



Pray for the strengthening of all the saints in India (192 churches, 8000 saints), and for the strengthening of the church life with mutual love, mutual care, mutual shepherding for the building up.



1. Pray for the 8 saints who may join the full-time training in Batam, Indonesia.

2. Pray for more saints and families to participate in the daily prayer of the brothers and the weekly prayer of the sisters, have a subjective relationship with the Lord and become functioning members in the church life.

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