Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of January
Sri Lanka
1. Pray for all the saints to set aside 2 hours weekly to participate in gospel preaching to contact gospel friends, seekers and backsliding ones, and in the home meetings to perfect the new ones to function.
2. Pray for the burden of obtaining 15 million Rupees and purchasing proper land within one year.
3. Pray for the church registration to be approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
1. Pray for the overseas trainers from New Zealand to take classes in FTTY from 1/28 for 2 weeks.
2. Pray for the continuing of the translation work of the ministry books in MGBR.
Pray for all the serving ones that the Lord may grant them sufficient grace in their occupations, living, service and health; may His lovers show strength and take action in one accord.