Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of October

Oct 26, 2015 by


Exo. 25:8-9 “And let them make a sanctuary for Me that I may dwell in their midst; according to all that I show you, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, even so shall you make it.”


The most important thing in our spiritual work is a knowledge of the “pattern on the mount.” In our spiritual work, many things are important, and if we come short in any of them, our work will lose its spiritual usefulness and not please God. Of these important items, the most crucial one is “the pattern on the mount.” The pattern on the mount is God’s plan. If we do not understand God’s plan, it will be impossible for us to do God’s work.

The book of Hebrews tells us that the tabernacle was made according to God’s revealed pattern. Before Moses built the tabernacle, he remained on the mountain forty days and nights, in order to give God time to show him the pattern and method of construction for the heavenly tabernacle. There were prescribed patterns for everything from the Holy Place to the altar, including the material and color of each layer of the tabernacle’s covering. Nothing was left to random design; there were prescribed plans and standards for everything. The altar, laver, table, lampstand, incense altar, ark, and everything else were made according to God’s prescribed pattern, which even specified the kind of metal or wood to be used and their measurements and colors. Nothing was left to Moses’ design.

God’s building of the church is the same as His building of the tabernacle; He works according to a prescribed plan. No matter how great or how small a matter is, God has an ordained way. Moses was not responsible for the design of the pattern of the tabernacle; he was only responsible for carrying out the pattern according to instructions he received on the mount. The glory of a servant of Christ does not lie in his ability to come up with new designs for God but in his faithfulness in carrying out the will of God as he understands it. Understanding God’s plan and working according to His plan are the glory of a servant of Christ. (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, Set 2, Vol. 38, msg. 49)

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