Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of September
Pray for the newly arrived families’ language learning, that they can have the wisdom to become familiar with the environment as soon as possible and minister God’s word in the local language in the church service.
Pray for the saints to be strengthened and supplied in the Lord.
Pray for the gospel preaching and home meetings in Rawalpindi.
Sri Lanka
Pray for all the suffering saints during this economic crisis, that they can receive God’s abounding grace through His secret care.
Pray for the church life in İstanbul; may the English-speaking, Turkish-speaking and Chinese-speaking saints remain in the enjoyment of the word of God with their time and whole being released to participate the church life and be strengthened, grounded and perfected for the building up of the Body.
Pray that the Lord would safeguard the distribution of Rhema books in the whole country.